Monday, November 17, 2008

Time for Star Wars to move on. . .

I finally caught another Clone Wars the other day. . .I finally realized why that show is sooooo stupid (and why I don't mind not watching it). The "hero" of the show is the absolute worst villian (serial killer) of all time. . .I mean the whole premise of the show is for you to root for Anakin all the while knowing that he's going to murder quite a few of his colleagues. I'm sure he doesn't kill asoka (or snips or whatever the hell her name is), but in essence he does "kill" the Jedi and her contemporaries, so really the premise of the show is very, very stupid. Never mind the fact that you already know what happens and that the "Clone Wars" are just a sham anyway. So it probably should be called Sham Wars.

I was thinking about this again last night, that when you throw the whole thing together the prequels really take a giant dump on the original triology. I mean how does killing the Emperor really "save" Vader. I mean the guy leaves a pile of bodies across the galaxy for like 30 years, but this one act gets him back into good graces. When it was just the Trilogy, it sort of made sense, but after going back and looking at what he really did, it just doesn't hold up.

Which really leads me back to my thoughts on the SWNG concept (SW next gen). . .its time now, more then ever, to get some fresh Star Wars blood in the Pop Culture Lifeline. . .stop this obsession with the Sham Wars, stop the obsession with "what happened between Ep. 3 and 4" and start over with a new (and hopefully great) story for our kids to grow up with and cherish.

Like we all did with Star Wars. . .pipe dream. . .probably, but a good one? I think so!

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