Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Self Proclaimed "King of Wii Bowling" is shocked. . .

I, the self-proclaimed "King of Wii Bowling" (High Game=267) overheard a conversation while out to dinner last week that disturbed me. A teenager proclaimed to her parents that bowling was "LAME." In fact, bowling was so uncool that she wouldn't be caught dead doing it and if a potential date asked her out to bowling she would immediately disqualify him as a dating candidate.

Her parents, seemingly wise, said that bowling was cool and couldn't believe her rationale.

I concur. Bowling was, is and still can be cool. As I recall this was the one outing that all can participate in and are more than willing to do so. Add in recent updates to lanes and cosmic bowling, I really think that the activity should get another look by all. . .

Per the Wii Bowling option, I think that this is definitely a great alernative to going to the local lanes. The game replicates the real thing very well--you literally use the same motion with the Wii controller as you would with your 14 pound house ball. . .if this ever supports online play, I challenge all to bring it on!

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