Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Fond Farewell to Jacque Jones

I promised my partners that I would keep the Cubs banter to a minimum on the Area, but I have to say my peace on Jacque Jones.

Good Bye kind sir. You of the five home runs and the worst arm in the Major Leagues. . .I never once in two seasons saw you throw a ball that wasn't a rainbow or a lawn burner.

Nothing personal, but you never really fit in with the Cubs, I take that back, you fit in with the 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004. 2005, 2006 and countless other bad Cub teams, but not the New Cubs, the ones who really want to win. Now, I am sure we can discuss the true merit of that statement, but for the time being, I am taking them on their word and looking to Mr. Jones departure as step one in improving a team that clawed and scratched into a division title into one that makes it in with room to spare in 2008.

JJ. . .good luck in Detroit. . .hope you find a nice home in Novi, Romulus or some other nice suburb.


The Self Proclaimed "King of Wii Bowling" is shocked. . .

I, the self-proclaimed "King of Wii Bowling" (High Game=267) overheard a conversation while out to dinner last week that disturbed me. A teenager proclaimed to her parents that bowling was "LAME." In fact, bowling was so uncool that she wouldn't be caught dead doing it and if a potential date asked her out to bowling she would immediately disqualify him as a dating candidate.

Her parents, seemingly wise, said that bowling was cool and couldn't believe her rationale.

I concur. Bowling was, is and still can be cool. As I recall this was the one outing that all can participate in and are more than willing to do so. Add in recent updates to lanes and cosmic bowling, I really think that the activity should get another look by all. . .

Per the Wii Bowling option, I think that this is definitely a great alernative to going to the local lanes. The game replicates the real thing very well--you literally use the same motion with the Wii controller as you would with your 14 pound house ball. . .if this ever supports online play, I challenge all to bring it on!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Welcome to The Area

What does the world need?

Peace, more Star Wars movies, better tasting diet pop, improved governments, more understanding between countries and faiths, a new blog catering to 20-60 somethings?

Well, I'd love to deliver on all of these needs, but frankly, the only thing I can deliver is this new blog.

We've named it The Area. I'm not sure why, it was the first thing that came to my mind, and sometimes you go with that first thing rather than spend ten hours wordsmithing. Anyway, I make no promises on the quantity of the work you'll find here at The Area, but you will find quality. My team of bloggers have great thoughts and we want to impart our wisdom to you and hopefully, over time, we'll get everyone in line to accomplish all of those great things I listed above. But in the meantime, what do you want to see more of in the world? Feel free to post your comments here at The Area and we may just write something more about it. In the meantime, I am going to start the Area with some interesting thoughts on games, sports and Star Wars, so check back and see if you like it in the next few weeks.
